Umbrella Academy Season 2 (雨傘學院第二季)

 雨傘學院》第二季結局解析,從漫畫系列推測第三季劇情發展—— – 電影神搜

來到Umbrella Academy第二季才寫,是因為第一季有點沉悶,但第二季非常亮眼。節奏明快,充滿幽默感,OST亦很好聽,當中最打動我心的是家庭的元素。



這一幕是最喜歡的,當Diego, Allision, Klaus冒著生命危險去拯救走火入魔的Vanya但都被她強大的能量所傷害,只有Ben可以不受傷害地接近Vanya。

Ben : Vanya?

Vanya : I remember everything. I am doing it again, am I?

Ben : (Silence)

Vanya : What's wrong with me? Why can't I control myself like the rest of you guys?

Ben : It's not too late. You can go back. There's still time.

Vanya : I don't deserve to live. I killed Pogo. I killed Allison. I destroyed the world. I am a monster.

Ben : Dad treated you like a bomb before you ever were one. He scared of your power, he never let you use it. Drugged you up, kept you numb for years. That's messed up, Vanya. No wonder you can't control it. Dad couldn't handle your anger. That doesn't mean you can't. And maybe you have the right to be pissed off and sad and messed up,'s a shitty world full of shitty people sometimes. You aren't a monster. You're my sister. And right now, our siblings are risking everything out there trying to save you. You aren't alone at the table anymore, Vanya. You can do this.



