After Life (終極後人生)
圍繞Tony而出現的角色,如sex worker、舅仔、照顧Tony爸爸的護士、在墳墓前的與Tony談人生的Anne,還有道友Julian,都與Tony互相影響著。Anne的丈夫Stan都去世了,Anne會不時到Stan的墓前靜坐,就這樣巧遇同時喪偶的Tony,很愛Anne與Tony在墳墓前的幾席話,對談都充滿智慧、豁達、幽默。節錄最尾一集Tony與Anne的對談:
Tony : How are you?
Anne : Yes, I am happy. I had the most wonderful life with Stan. And I have all those memories. That's all we are anyway, really memories. And Stan had a wonderful life too, he didn't have any pain, doesn't really know it's over. I do, but I'd rather live missing him than for him to live missing me, that's how much I love him. I wouldn't change anything. If I went back to change one thing I didn't like, I might lose something that that bad thing eventually took me to. You shouldn't regret anything, or think "well, if I went back I might do this or I might do that."
Tony : I'd go back to 1998, and punch Gavin Tilley in the face for looking at Lisa (Tony's wife).
Anne : For looking at her?
Tony : It was the way he looked at her. He winked. She ignored it. I pretended I hadn't seen it. I knew it was wrong to punch him, but I think it was also embarrassed about being jealous over something, so.... But now I wish I'd punched him in the face.
Anne : haahaahaaa
Tony : I found I was ranting about how's life worth living today at work for the first time since Lisa died. And that's you fault. And I thought I am gonna carry on saying and doing...what I want...and punishing the world, but I am gonna punish people who deserve it. I am gonna use my superpower for good. 'Cause when I was doing and saying exactly what I wanted, it always felt better when it was also the right thing to do. Know what I mean? If you're a good person, doing things you want to do is the same as you doing good.
Anne : And you are a good person, and I'd really rather you didn't kill yourself. Because it would be a waste. You might not like living much, but you make the world a better place. And don't give up, because then they've won, and they grow in numbers.
Tony : Who?
Anne : Assholes, you know like Gavin Fucking Tilley.
Tong : haha, Gavin Fucking Tilley.
令人覺得最無奈就是劇中那個精神科醫生,Tony每次跟他見面,都要強調"I am paying you",Tony對太太的放下可以move on,精神科醫生的功勞最少吧。